The year is passing so quickly and once again the Game Fairs are upon us with the May Bank Holidays approaching fast! We had a wonderful time last year going around the country attending all the Living Heritage Game Fairs. However this year Netley and Essex Game Fairs have been dropped mainly due to the weather last year which was too hot at Netley and too wet and cold at Essex. So hoping this year will be better!
Calling any interested Heeler owners?
We are always looking out for Lancashire Heeler owners who would like to come and give a couple of hours or more of their time to talk to the public about our breed. It is surprising how many people have never heard of them – they are fascinated to meet the dogs, enjoy petting them and having a face washed at the same time! It is a surprise to many that they are not better known as a breed since they make small, attractive and lively companions.
If anyone is interested in coming along then please get in touch with us – see contact details below. We can organise free entry to the show and can offer refreshments throughout the day! We have a large pen for the dogs and we swap them around so they do not get too tired entertaining the public all day. There is usually a minor breeds parade during the day when the various dog breeds are taken into the arena and we introduce them to the audience, as well as lots of other doggie activities to take part in or watch. Chase the Bunny is the one our Heelers love and go beserk at – in fact Spot became a Chase the Bunny Champion at Netley last year!
Dates and locations of the Game Fairs for 2019 are:
5-6 May – Thame Country Fair
26-27 May – Burghley Game & Country Fair
24-26 August – Cheshire Game & Country Fair
7-8 September – Sandringham Game & Country Fair
28-29 September – Wiltshire Game & Country Fair