Dora wins her first KC agility course

Dora, our little super star, went to her first proper Kennel Club agility show this weekend and entered at Grade 1. She had already won Best Veteran Bitch in the Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show on 17/8/23 and then went on to win her classes on Saturday and Sunday winning a beautiful rosette and mug each time – whereas young Toby was totally engrossed in all the amazing doggy smells and got eliminated for weeing […]

2022 – What a year for MadinCrowd!

Having been very forgetful to update our website this year, we are doing a brief round-up of what our beautiful, talented dogs have achieved in 2022! SHOWING It was fun to get back to showing once again and Dora gained her third Challenge Certificate at South Wales KC in Veteran to make her a Champion – its been a long time coming but we can’t complain as she was often pipped at the post by […]

Mikey Ben with the dogs

Burghley Game Fair 2019

Stephen took Bilbo & Pickle up to Burghley for the Living Heritage Game & Country Fair on the last May Bank Holiday weekend.  He met up with son David and family who brought along their campervan.  I stayed at home with Dora and the puppies and had various friends staying or visiting so it was good for Stephen to have the company and help! Our thanks also go to Carole Beaumont, her husband and Ella […]

FAB Agility Show

Today we attended our first proper FAB Agility Show at the Turnpike Showground in Motcombe.  Just took Dora for practice and to fathom out how an agility show works – quite a lot of waiting around for your turn but everyone is very friendly and helpful to “Newbies”!  Our trainer Tracy Ryan was there competing and pointed us in the right direction although in the excitement of running the course I completely lost my way […]

Dora taking a break

Couch to 5k with your dog

How to get fitter for agility – Couch to 5k with your dog! Dora and I have started a 9 week course of Couch to 5k with Poole Joggers.   Well, I have joined Poole Joggers and Dora accompanies us on the two practice runs in between! It is a course especially designed for beginners – based on the NHS Couch to 5k plan  – and is ideal for anyone looking to take up running, meet […]

Pregnant Pickle keeping fit doing channel weaves!

Pickle may be pregnant but she still wants to join in with weave practice each morning but unfortunately agility is not advisable in her state.  However, by widening the channel weaves she has plenty of room to run through and get to her clam filled with sausage and its win win since she has fun, she is moving, keeping fit and is eating!  Not sure how long she will want to continue as she has […]