All four now Champions!
We are thrilled that, subject to Kennel Club confirmation, Toby is now a Champion – winning his third CC under David Cavill at Manchester Champ Show this month
We are thrilled that, subject to Kennel Club confirmation, Toby is now a Champion – winning his third CC under David Cavill at Manchester Champ Show this month
We are thrilled to announce that Katy, Madincrowd Mercy Chant, won her third Challenge Certificate on 17 June 2021 at National Working & Pastoral Breeds Championship Show and, subject to Kennel Club approval, this win will make her a Champion. Katy’s elder sister, Dora (our Madincrowd Bathsheba JW) won the Reserve Challenge Certificate and also Best Veteran – her first foray into a Veteran Class now she is 7! Our grateful thanks to our judge, […]
It was a blisteringly hot couple of days at the Hampshire Country Show on 6-7 May 2018 – quite the opposite to Thame a month ago! Everyone was feeling the heat and we had taken our cool coats for the dogs which they wore all day long. Many people were asking why our dogs were wearing coats in the heat and were surprised when touching them how cool and refreshing they were – we were […]
Pickle becomes a Champion Pickle or Rosepip Neteret Eset, entered as a Veteran, and won the Bitch Champion Certificate at South Wales Kennel Association Champ Show on 8 October 2017 under judge Maggy Jones. It was her third Champion Certificate, the other two she won under judge Roy Baker at Richmond in 2011 and Sue Pollock-Yule at Darlington in 2012. This now makes her a Champion and goes to show you never know whats round […]
We are so proud to announce that Boris, Madincrowd Gabriel JW (aka Flash Harry in his younger days!) became the first Madincrowd Champion – subject to Kennel Club confirmation. Boris won his first Challenge Certificate under Keith Baldwin at South Wales Kennel Club Champ Show in 2015, then his second and third in quick succession in 2016 under Albert Wight at Welsh Kennel Club and David Cavill at Richmond – Boris was Best of Breed […]
Bilbo got his third Challenge Certificate under Anne Arch at City of Birmingham Champ Show on 30 August 2014 and becomes a Champion – we always believed in him and were over the moon – our first ever show dog and he gets this far with us novices, so it just goes to prove that anyone with faith can do it! To top it all, Pickle got the Reserve CC and Dora came 2nd in PB.