Weather forecast for the Thame Game Fair over the Easter Bank holiday weekend was not good, but after a ground check on Saturday it was all on for Sunday. Rather than take the caravan and get stuck in mud – or snow – we got up early Sunday morning to set up first thing. It was very chilly but the weather was dry and all the activities were able to take place, it was very busy possibly because no one wanted to risk coming on Easter Monday which was wise as the Show had to be cancelled that day due to the rain.
Lynn, Charlie with Mouse, Boris and Katy joined us and our grateful thanks go to them because we all talked non-stop and there was an awful lot of interest in the Heelers. Several people knew of a friend or neighbour who had a heeler, or had them in the past, with one great story told of a Heeler puppy being bought from the pet department at Harrods!